Before I'll go to a relaxing long knitting and spinning retreat to,morrow, I want to show you the photos of last Sunday's Ocober Stricktreff!

Brigitta is working busily on her test knit for Angelika - comparing notes, resolving questions ...
Look what I got as a present - isn't that cute!
Petra strickt eigentlich an ihrem "Five" weiter, wenn sie nicht gerade die Hunde mit leckeren Frikadellen füttert :).
Petra is knitting on her "Five" - when she's not feeding the dogs with tasty meatballs :).
Sabine has stitches during her vacations - this is lovely!
Angelika strickt an ihrem Pullover weiter - der ist bestimmt zum nächsten Stricktreff fertig!
Angelika is knitting on her sweater - bet that it will be finished for next Stricktreff!
Und ich häkle weiter an meinem Loop, der ein Weihnachtsgeschenk wird - erkennen kann man da erst was, wenn ich ihn gespannt habe :)!
And I crochet on the cowl that will become a Christmas present - you'll see more when I block it :)!
We had a wonderful, relaxing and tasty Sunday - I', already looking forward to next month's Stricktreff!