On Monday Petra had time for taking photos of the scarf-hat-wristlets combinations - and we were lucky, it really didn't rain for 2 hours :)!
Was macht man, wenn das bunte Shirt absolut nicht unter die Stricksachen passt?
Man zieht es einfach falsch herum an :)!
What do you do if the colored shirt doesn't suit the knitted accessories?
Just wear it the wrong way :)!
Schneller Wechsel, bevor es wieder regnet ...
Fast change before it starts raining again ...
Dieses Foto hat Ralf bei unserem letzten Fototermin von mir gemacht.
This photo Ralf took of me during our last photo session.
We had a lot of fun - THANK YOU, Petra!
Und dieses Foto hat 2 Jahre gedauert - alle drei Mädels in einem Korb!
This photo took 2 years - all three girls in one basket!
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